Zitrón will participate as a speaker in the postgraduate course in Mining Ventilation Engineering and Underground Infrastructure (INVEMIS) at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), organized by the Department of Mining, Industrial, and ICT Engineering. This postgraduate course, which will begin in September this year, represents a unique opportunity to share knowledge and experiences in the field of ventilation engineering with relevant industry professionals.

During the course, our experts:

  • Avelino Díaz, ZITRÓN LATAM COMMERCIAL MANAGER, Mining Technical Engineer, specialist in Mining Exploitation, Graduate in Mineral and Energy Resources Engineering, and Master in Geological Resources and Geological Engineering, and
  • Cipriano López Fanjul, DIRECTOR OF MINING DIVISION, Mining Technical Engineer, specialist in Drilling and Prospection, Geological/Geophysical Engineer, Mineral and Energy Resources Engineer, and Master in Energy Engineering,

will deliver some of the modules that are part of this postgraduate course:

  • Module 1: Fundamental aspects of ventilation engineering.
  • Module 2: Advanced aspects of ventilation engineering.

In these modules, key topics will be addressed, such as ventilation devices and system design, ventilation in Panel Caving and Room & Pillar methods, and the optimization of underground ventilation projects. This postgraduate program provides students with the necessary tools to design, plan, and optimize ventilation projects in underground environments.

More info:

Zitrón Educa: Supporting the Training of Future Professionals

Commitment to Educational Excellence

Our participation in the Master’s in Mining Ventilation and Underground Infrastructure at UPC is yet another demonstration of our commitment to educational excellence and the continuous training of highly skilled professionals. We believe that education is the foundation of progress and innovation, and we are dedicated to contributing to the development of knowledge and skills that drive the future of mining and ventilation engineering.

Zitrón will continue to support the new generations of engineers, providing the tools and knowledge necessary to face the challenges of tomorrow.

At Zitrón, we firmly believe in the importance of supporting the education of future professionals. Our commitment goes beyond participation in academic events; we foster knowledge and skills from the early educational stages to advanced professional development through:

  • Lectures and Seminars: Our experts regularly deliver lectures at universities and colleges, sharing their experience and knowledge with students from various disciplines.
  • Educational Visits: Through our “Zitrón Educa” program, we host student visits to our facilities. During these visits, young people have the opportunity to closely observe the manufacturing processes and technological innovations in the field of underground ventilation.
  • Academic Collaborations: We work closely with educational institutions to develop training programs that meet the current and future needs of the mining industry.

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