ZITRÓN Receives the XIX Ateneo Jovellanos Award for Economic and Industrial Development of Asturias

ZITRÓN was awarded the XIX Ateneo Jovellanos Award for Economic and Industrial Development of Asturias yesterday, a prestigious recognition granted annually to institutions, companies, and individuals who have significantly contributed to the advancement of our region’s economy and industry.

The award was presented during the commemorative events for the Day of El Ateneo Jovellanos, as part of the International Fair of Asturias (FIDMA), held in Gijón every August. The accolade was received by ZITRÓN’s president, Antonio Fernández-Escandón, who expressed his deep gratitude on behalf of the entire company team.

“This recognition is a tribute to the effort and dedication of all those who have been part of ZITRÓN, both in the past and present,” stated Fernández-Escandón.

“ZITRÓN has become a benchmark in the field of underground ventilation thanks to a great human team that has known how to adapt to market needs, reinvent itself when necessary, and face the challenges of growth in a highly competitive global environment.”

This award not only celebrates ZITRÓN’s present but also underscores the company’s commitment to innovation and excellence in its sector. The company will continue to work towards contributing to the economic development of Asturias and maintaining its position at the forefront of the industry.


Since 1963, ZITRÓN has been at the forefront of designing, manufacturing, and supplying bespoke ventilation systems for underground environments. Today, ZITRÓN is recognised as a leader in the ventilation sector for underground infrastructures and mines. The success of ZITRÓN is based on its commitment to constant innovation, excellence in design, and service quality, as well as dedicating time to client engagement to ensure a comprehensive understanding of all elements that must be addressed to provide the optimal solution for their underground operations. Since its foundation in 1963, ZITRÓN has earned an enviable reputation for working closely with its clients to ensure they have access to ventilation systems incorporating the latest technology, thereby providing cost savings, operational efficiency, and reliability, which are essential in underground environments where continuous operation is critical and safety is paramount. Based in Gijón, in the province of Asturias in northern Spain, and with production centres located in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Oceania, ZITRÓN is now present in over 80 countries through an established network of dedicated subsidiaries and representatives.

XIX Ateneo Jovellanos Award for Economic and Industrial Development of Asturias

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